April 5, 2022

The Dandelion — sometimes known as the brilliantly yellow flowering plant, sometimes known as a widespread weed, depends on whom you ask.  

Dandelions are in the Asteraceae family, which originate from Eurasia. Early settlers brought them to North America believing in their medicinal properties. According to the Cleveland Clinic, Dandelions are a useful source of vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, C, B, and K. Dandelions are technically weeds that grow as ornamentals. Yes, while ornamentals are known for their beauty, some can be functional too. So whether you use the plant for its healing properties or not, there are many fun and interesting facts about Dandelions that shed light on the various aspects of this plant. 


5 Interesting Facts About Dandelions

  • Dandelions spread quickly because their seeds can travel up to 5 miles. That equates to 88 football fields! 
  • They’re also called pioneer plants or ruderals because they are the first plants to grow on land that has been disturbed (like land after a wildfire). 
  • A single dandelion head has up to 300 tiny petals that form to make the yellow plant. If your garden is mostly green and shaded, these plants are a fantastic way to add a pop of color. 
  • Since Dandelions are herbs, every part of the plant is edible. 
  • Dandelions can come in many different colors, including purple, light pink, maroon, red, and burgundy.


Growing your own Dandelions are easy!  To learn more about growing Dandelions, check out Dandelion Growing Info: How To Grow And Harvest Dandelions!

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