Category Archives: Growing

The image shows a collection of terracotta pots with a variety of plants, including lush greenery and colorful flowers, arranged on a tiled floor.

Guide: Moving Outdoor Plants Inside

Check your plants: Look closely at all parts of your plants for pests — this includes: the leaves, stem, all sides of the foliage, and new growth.

A person's cupped hands holding coffee beans with a small green plant sprouting in the center, symbolizing growth amidst the darkness of the beans.

How to Grow Your Own Coffee Plants

After the beans have been left to cool down, grind them up – either with a blender or another similarly functioning machine, and add them to your coffee maker.

Woman pushing wheelbarrow full of pumpkins during fall gardening

Tips for Fall Gardening

Autumn is an excellent time to clean up beds, regulate soils, and prepare for the upcoming growing season. It’s also a good time to plant spring flowering bulbs that will ensure a beautiful and productive garden the following season.

Echinacea growing near woodlands

Echinacea Plant Herbal Benefits

Echinacea works by decreasing inflammation and increasing our immune systems. Evidence also suggests that Echinacea contains yeast and fungi-attacking chemicals.

Ginkgo Biloba leaf with herb capsules

Ginkgo Biloba Herbal Benefits

Learn about the herbal benefits of the Ginkgo Biloba tree, a true living fossil, during pain awareness month in September.