Testing garden or lawn soil for pH and nutrients helps guarantee your growing success. Learn the details with Melnor.
Category Archives: Gardening Tips & Techniques
Wondering when to plant grass and fertilize your lawn? We go over it here in our grassing seeding blog. Read more!
There are about a dozen different grasses, and most lawns will contain a mixture of them. Learn what would work best for your area here!
Fall is a season of change, which means changing how you take care of your yard. We’ve written a guide to help you out.
Now that spring is over, you will need to switch your lawn care to take the hotter season into account. Here is our Summer Guide to help!
Spring is the ideal season to get your garden growing! Follow our seasonal yard fertilizing guides for a beautiful lawn.
What is the best way to take care of your yard in autumn? Fall is the prime time for your lawn, and here’s a guide on how to keep it growing.
What’s the secret to fertilizing your yard? Most people think fertilizing is the answer, but Melnor, Inc. thinks differently!
Wondering how you can transform your garden into an oasis for Monarch butterflies? Try planting milkweed and watch them fly in!
Water is an essential factor for gardening, but no one wants to waste the limited resource. Here is Melnor’s guide for water conservation.