It’s important to take a full and honest inventory of your items so you can decide what to keep, fix, or replace so that you can order and receive your new products in time for the start of the springtime growing season!
Category Archives: Gardening Tips & Techniques
What’s better than seeing the sunlight bouncing off your colorful treasures and imprinting its glow on your space? Even more charming is seeing those fresh blooms contained in something delightful.
Thus, the perfect mix is soil that holds moisture well but drains so that your roots don’t become waterlogged. Most plants require oxygen to reach the roots for proper growth indicating a high priority for aeration.
Using this guide and applying the preparation needed, anyone can grow spinach, brussels sprouts, radishes, and turnips — four commonly known, early-spring vegetables.
Traps like spring-loaded doors or mesh fencing can be especially useful in more extreme cases. Although, if you are experiencing this, catching one pest may not solve your problem
Check your plants: Look closely at all parts of your plants for pests — this includes: the leaves, stem, all sides of the foliage, and new growth.
When the end of the gardening season rolls around and fall cleanup is completed, taking a few hours or so to properly store your garden supplies for the winter can prevent damage or rust
Nuts are a high-nutritional-value food that contain the majority of the vitamins and minerals the body requires. They are a major source of ALA omega-3 fatty acids.
After the beans have been left to cool down, grind them up – either with a blender or another similarly functioning machine, and add them to your coffee maker.
Catch more eyes with non-traditional ornamentals! Use this guide for a step-by-step process on caring for unique and unusual plants.