This plant is home to the eastern regions of the United States and was first used by Native Americans hundreds of years ago. Having then become popular and growing in notoriety, the US National Formulary adopted Echinacea as an official medicinal agent. Once antibiotics were established, this herb took a back seat to the manufactured versions pushed by the government and pharmaceutical organizations. As time continued, medical conditions began to diminish the effects of antibiotics and people grew to accept alternative medicine again.

Echinacea works by decreasing inflammation and increasing our immune systems. Evidence also suggests that Echinacea contains yeast and fungi-attacking chemicals.

Herbal benefits providing relief from:  

  • Simple common colds
  • Immunity
  • Upper respiratory infections
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-fungal



This medicinal plant thrives in at least 4-6 hours a day of full to partial sunlight. Since being native to areas of woodlands, they love morning sun and evening shade. Growing in tougher soil, this plant is friendly to rocky regions. Do not plant in wet, monsoon regions. As a perennial, Echinacea will grow lean and require little to no additional nutrients.

Because of the large root coverage, ensure plants are at least 15 inches apart and do not overcrowd.

Spring and fall are good seasons to plant in and require moderate to minimal watering attention. However, Echinacea plants need a cold period called stratification to complete the germination process.


FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Deering, Shelby. “9 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants and the Science Behind Them” Healthline, Accessed 22 July 2021.

“Echinacea” RxList, 11 June 2021, Accessed 22 July 2021

“How to Grow Echinacea” American Meadows, Accessed 22 July 2021

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