3rd Week in September 
September 19th – 25th, 2021



Back in 2007, Mark Martin, the award-winning plant expert, started the idea of a national holiday circled around indoor plants and their significance. He argued the many benefits of bringing plant life indoors was imperative to human health and connection to the natural world around us. Thus, National Indoor Plant Week blossomed into a yearly event.

Many agricultural organizations and plant groups like Interior Tropical Gardens promote the awareness of this holiday. They say the importance of indoor plants and their attributes can help lead people to healthier lives.

Starting with cleaning the air, indoor plants can help cycle musty, old air out of the house and bring in new air. The National Indoor Plant Week Community on Facebook likes to say, “The oxygen doesn’t arrive until the plants arrive.” Plants have also shown to increase morale in the workplace and homes, according to studies.

There is a whole field of study devoted to the well-being plants can offer – Horticulture Therapy. This field studies the benefits and healing elements that plants can offer as part of treatment plans for: dementia, depression, mental stresses from cancer, and schizophrenia.

Indoor plant enthusiasts and Horticulture Therapy graduates suggest that one plant per 100 sq. ft. is adequate to feel the benefits.

Ways to Celebrate

There are no celebration requirements for this one! Anyone can celebrate and help to raise awareness. If you would like to start or add to your indoor plant collection, remember to check your local nurseries, florists, and supercenters for deals all week long. Many of them will have free starter plants ready for your choosing.

Popular indoor plants to choose from:

  • Succulents
  • Chinese evergreen
  • Cactus
  • Monstera
  • Philodendron
  • Peperomia

Other studies in office settings have found a correlation between plant installations, complaints, and clinical health. This connection recorded health improvements at significant levels from their patients and a reduction in fatigue by employees. This is amazing to think about and interesting to see what the benefits in other environments could be as well.



“About Us” National Indoor Plant Week, https://nationalindoorplantweek.com/about.php. Accessed 26 July 2021

  “National Indoor Plant Week” National Day Calendar, https://nationaldaycalendar.com/national-indoor-plant-week-third-week-in-september/. Accessed 26 July 2021

Richardson, Nicoletta. “These Are the 10 Houseplants That Redditors Can’t Stop Talking About” Apartment Therapy, 4 March 2020, https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/reddit-most-popular-houseplants-36722563. Accessed 26 July 2021.

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