May 2, 2022

Spring is an important time for the lawn and garden. The dormancy of winter is replaced with the growth and renewal of spring. The sounds of birds chirping and bees buzzing mean it’s time to get back to work in the yard. Start by checking off these things from your spring to-do list.

For Your Garden

  1. Prune shrubs and clean flower beds
    Carryover your home spring cleaning to your garden. Prune unruly shrubs and remove dead branches. Cut back last season’s perennials before new growth sprouts. Lightly rake the flower beds to clear dead leaves and prepare for new growth.
  2. Tackle weeds
    Weeds can be some of the first things to sprout in spring. But, if you start pulling them early in the season, you’ll have less to contend with later. Young weeds are easier to dig up. Get to the roots and give yourself a break come July. Keep weeding throughout the season to keep your garden healthy.
  3. Split perennials
    Spring is a great time to split most perennials from daylilies to hostas. Dividing perennials is an excellent way to expand your garden without buying new plants. Aim to split your perennials every two to three years or once the space around it becomes overcrowded.
  4. Add mulch
    There’s no better way to refresh your yard than a fresh layer of mulch. Mulch provides many benefits like helping the soil retain moisture, providing essential nutrients, and preventing weeds by blocking sunlight. Spread mulch evenly around your gardens for a tidy look.
  5. Set up a watering schedule
    Keep your plants looking their best with consistent watering. The best time to water is early in the morning to avoid evaporation. Save time and money by setting up an automated watering schedule using Melnor water timers. Water as you leave the house in the morning and let the water timer do the work for you. Soaker hoses are a great way to slowly soak your plants’ base, while a watering wand makes reaching difficult plants easy.
  6. Prepare for BBQs
    Lastly, get ready to entertain. Scrub your patio furniture so you’re prepared to host the neighbors at a BBQ. Get the cushions out and check the deck and patio if any repairs need to be done after the grueling winter months.

For Your Lawn

  1. Start raking
    Grab a lawn rake to remove any dead grass or leaves leftover from last season. This prepares your grass for new growth and keeps away diseases.
  2. Evaluate the soil
    Before making soil amendments, test your soil with a soil test kit. This will tell you any nutrients your soil is missing. Contact your local cooperative extension office for help testing your soil and advice on fertilizers to use. Read more about soil preparation tips here.
  3. Set your blades high
    In the spring, it’s best to give your lawn a trim, not a full cut. If you cut your lawn too short, you risk damaging the roots. Check the recommended height for your specific grass type. Wait until the grass is nice and dry before mowing. Even with a sharp blade, mowers have a hard time cutting wet grass evenly. 
  4. Overseed
    Fall is the best time to reseed a lawn, but seed early in the season if you see bare patches. This will give the seeds a chance to get established before the intense heat of summer. Keep the new seed watered until it is actively growing. Melnor oscillating sprinklers provide a gentle rain of water perfect for new seedlings.
  5. Make a watering plan
    The secret to growing a beautiful lawn is a consistent watering routine. Water your lawn deeply and infrequently to create a lawn that will endure even in summer’s hottest, driest phases. Read our lawn watering guide to learn more.
  6. Think about fertilizer
    Check the recommended season to fertilize your grass. Cool-season grass tends to like fertilizer in the fall, while warm-season grass can be fertilized in the spring if needed. Grass clippings can be a free source of nutrients for your lawn. If you mow regularly, your fertilization can be done after you mow.

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