Did you know that many commonly grown outdoor plants, can be grown indoors hydroponically, including herbs and vegetables? Many plants will root and grow well in just a glass jar and a little water Hydroponics takes this to a whole new level, and you can accelerate their growth with the correct plant nutrition and lighting. You will be harvesting faster than you would from an outside vegetable garden.


Herbs are very easy to grow indoors, imagine always having fresh herbs to mix into your recipes as you cook a flavorful dinner. This can be a game changer to the taste of your food and not to mention the additional nutrients in your dishes. It is important to note that although you can plant from seeds in most cases, starting with a cutting is the preferred option. You will get a stronger plant, and it will grow quicker.

Best Herbs for your Hydroponic Garden


Seed or Sprout





Green Mint

Sprouts, but can from Seeds


Seed or Sprout


Seed or Sprout


Seed or Sprout


Seed or Sprout

Lemon Balm

Seed or Sprout


Sprouts are best


Vegetables can also flourish in a hydroponic set-up, but remember, for these, you need to ensure you give them proper nutrients and good lighting. Imagine a cold winter day and harvesting your vegetables from your house to have a fresh salad. It is very doable, and you will enjoy every bite!

Knowing the pH level of your water is essential for growing vegetables successfully. To obtain the best yield and healthiest plants, you will want to give your vegetables the optimal growing environment. A pH range of 5.5-6.5 is suitable for most plants. Do some research before you start to ensure you have the knowledge you need to get the best yield.

Best Vegetables for your Hydroponic Garden 

Best Fruits for your Hydroponic Garden

If you are newer to Hydroponics, it would be smart to go with easy to grow plants that have rapid growth. This will give you the opportunity to get a good result and learn the experience fast, then you can feel inspired to move to something harder.

Experienced Hydroponic gardeners with more knowledge of Hydroponics systems, and the plants’ type can strive for other plants like tobacco, large melons, pumpkins, sunflowers, and so on. There are no limits. You have to start somewhere, what are you going to start with?

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